Getting the project

The Drupal Console is a modular project using multiple repositories.

Main repositories:

Additional projects:

Languages are also managed into separated repositories:


You should fork the repositories that you want to contribute. For this task you can use the github GUI.


You need to define a directory where you will clone the repositories. i.e. /Users/username/drupal-console-code

cd /Users/username/drupal-console-code
git clone[your-github-user-here]/drupal-console.git
git clone[your-github-user-here]/drupal-console-core.git
git clone[your-github-user-here]/drupal-console-en.git

Install dependencies

Now that you have cloned the repositories, you need to download dependencies using Composer.

cd /Users/username/drupal-console-code/[cloned-repository]
composer install

Read the next step to learn how to link and test these repositories into a Drupal site.